Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings

Each Sunday morning, we gather together to worship the Lord through singing, prayer, Scripture reading, hearing the preaching of the Word of God, and partaking of the Lord’s Table together as a body. On average, about 120 people join us for our Sunday morning worship gatherings, including people from all age groups and backgrounds, a diversity that we treasure. Your children, too, are invited to come along, regardless of their age. During the worship gathering, we provide childcare for little ones under 3, but you are also welcome to keep your children with you.

As people arrive between 10:00 and 10:30, they talk and enjoy coffee and snacks. Then, we gather to worship together at 10:30: to sing, pray, read the Bible, listen to one of our pastors as they teach us from the Bible, and eat the Lord’s Supper together. Afterwards, we spend time enjoying one another’s company and encouraging each other in the Lord as we look to the week ahead.

Click here for a detailed walkthrough of our Sunday Morning worship gatherings.


Community Groups

Community Groups are designed to help us cultivate deeper relationships within the church, grow together in the Scriptures, and serve together. As a result, every member of the church is expected to participate in a Community Group. Our Community Groups also provide a great way for those who are not yet members to learn more about RBC and to become more integrated into the life of the body. All are welcome to come to our Community Groups. Each group is typically comprised of four to six family units. Whenever possible, each group is intentionally diverse in both interests and circumstances: single and married, young and old, couples with kids and couples without kids, etc. Often in someone’s home, each group meets every other week for one to two hours at a time that works for everyone in the group. The meetings are informal but still intentional. Typically the group shares a meal together, and then, during each meeting, the group spends time in the Scriptures, either by reviewing the most recent sermon, discussing a portion of Scripture, or interacting on a book about the Christian life.


Growth Groups

Growth Groups are designed to help us bear each other’s burdens, confess sin to each other, study the Scriptures, pray for each another, and encourage each other. As a result, every church member is expected to participate in a Growth Group. Each group is comprised of two to four adults, men with men and women with women.* Every other week (during the weeks that Community Groups are not meeting), each Growth Group meets for about an hour at a time that works for everyone in the group. The groups might meet in someone’s home, at a coffee shop, or perhaps at a restaurant. During each meeting, the group spends time in the Scriptures, getting updated on how each person is doing at home, work, and in their walk with Christ, and then there is a time for each person to be prayed for by someone else in the group.

*For teenage members, we have a small group of teens meet with an older member of the church, teen guys with a man and teen girls with a woman.


Sundays 10:30 AM


6215 Oliver Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423


(612) 486-2722
