Nursery, Bible Class, & Sunday Morning Gathering


On Sunday morning, RBC provides nursery care for children 3 years old or younger from 10:25 a.m. until the end of the worship gathering (around 11:45 a.m.). If there is an adult Bible Class that week (from 9:30-10:00 a.m.), nursery care is sometimes provided during this time.

Bible Class

As we seek to reach our community with the gospel, we do not want to overlook the opportunity for fruitful gospel ministry with the children of RBC. One component of this ministry is a weekly Bible class on Sunday morning from 9:30 to 10:10 a.m. Each Bible class includes a combination of the following items: singing Christ-exalting songs, listening to a Bible lesson, learning doctrine using a Christian catechism, memorizing Scripture, or enjoying a missionary story.

Bible Lesson Curriculum

For the Bible lessons, we are currently using “The ABCs of God.” This study, produced by Truth78, is designed to teach children about the greatness and worth of God.

Christian Catechism Curriculum

For the Christian catechism, we use The New City Catechism. This resource contains 52 questions and answers designed for memorization and recitation in order to teach the core doctrines of the Christian faith.

Sunday Worship Gathering

To parents of young children, we want you to know that you are encouraged to bring your children to worship with you. The members of RBC welcome your children and seek to model Jesus’ words: “Let the children come to me . . . for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Luke 18:16). Feel free to sit near the front, where your children will engage with the service best. For children 3 years old or younger, we have a nursery. For those older than three, please grab an RBC Kids’ bag that will help them during the sermon.


Sundays 10:30 AM


6215 Oliver Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423


(612) 486-2722
