THE STORY OF SCRIPTURE, the Shorter Version

a summary of the longer study designed to help you trace the unifying, overarching story of the Bible and to help you find your own place in God’s unfolding story

Why is this study called “the shorter version”?

“The Story of Scripture, the Shorter Version” is . . . well . . . a “shorter version” of our full, in-depth study, “The Story of Scripture.” Whereas the full version covers the Old Testament in 96 clips, this “shorter version” covers the Old Testament in about 96 minutes! And very soon, we will add shorter version episodes for the New Testament, as well!

What is this study all about?

This study is made up of 5-7 minute clips that quickly overview the main plot of the Bible and that provide key insights into how each smaller section of Scripture contributes to its larger story. We hope this study will not only lead you to greater trust in Jesus but that it will also enable you to tell the story of the Bible to others with greater joy and confidence.

Where can I find the “the full, in-depth version” of this study?

Click here to go to the full, in-depth version.

If you’ve been encouraged or helped by this video series, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at, and tell us what you’ve learned or how you are using this study.