a study designed to help you trace the unifying, overarching story of the Bible and to help you find your own place in God’s unfolding story
The Old Testament
Podcast & Videos
001 | Welcome to the Study
002 | Reading the Bible
003 | Introduction, Pt 1
Subtitle: “What It Takes to Understand a Verse”
004 | Introduction, Pt 2
Subtitle: “What the Bible Is”
005 | Introduction, Pt 3
Subtitle: “Is there a story to Scripture?”
006 | Bridge
Subtitle: “The Setup of the Bible”
007 | The Very Good Beginning, Pt 1
Subtitle: “Genesis 1”
008 | The Very Good Beginning, Pt 2
Subtitle: “Genesis 2”
009 | The Tragic Fall, Pt 1
Subtitle: “A Crafty Serpent”
010 | The Tragic Fall, Pt 2
Subtitle: “The Curses and the Promises”
From Eden to Babel
011 | Banished from the Garden
012 | Words of Hope from a Better Lamech
013 | Noah and the Flood
014 | Noah as a Second Adam
015 | Looking to the Line of Shem
The Story of Abraham
016 | The Call of Faith
017 | A Melchizedekian Moment
018 | Cutting the Covenant
019 | Abram, Hagar, and the God Who Sees
020 | Time To Change Your Name
021 | Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?
022 | The Greatest Test
From Isaac to Jacob
023 | A Woman Like Abraham
024 | Isaac, Rebekah, and Some Tasty Food
025 | The God Who Looks After The Unloved
026 | Jacob And His Women
027 | An Unexpected Reunion
The Children of Israel
028 | The First Three Sons Of Jacob
029 | Introducing Joseph and Judah
030 | The Lord Was With Joseph
031 | God Has Exposed Our Sin
032 | The Lion from Judah's Line
Out of Egypt
033 | The Attacks on the Offspring
034 | The Call of Moses
035 | The God Who Wants To Be Known
036 | The Blood Of The Lamb
037 | The God Who Fights For His People
The Law, Priesthood, and People
038 | A Kingdom of Priests
039 | The Need for a Mediator
040 | A God Who Forgives But Does Not Let the Guilty Go
041 | The Day of Atonement
042 | Setting Out from Sinai
043 | When You Get What You Want
044 | Words of Hope From a Most Unlikely Source
Moses’s Final Words
045 | The Call to Obedience from the Heart
046 | It's Not Because of Our Righteousness
047 | The Need for a New Heart
048 | Waiting for a Prophet Greater than Moses
Extra Talks
049 | The Value of the Re-Read
050 | The Value of Narrative
Joshua and Judges
051 | Echoes of the First Generation
052 | Victory and Defeat
053 | Choose Whom You Will Serve
054 | The Downward Spiral
055 | Israel Has Become Sodom
056 | The Story of Ruth
The Rise of the King
057 | "Hannah's Song"
058 | "The Need for a Better Priest"
059 | "The Rejection of God as King"
060 | "A Man Who Looked Like a King"
061 | "The Kind of King We've Been Waiting For"
062 | "The King upon his Throne"
063 | "The Highpoint of the Old Testament"
064 | "The Heart of God in the Heart of the King"
From David to Solomon
065 | "What No One Ever Saw Coming"
066 | "Condemnation, Repentance, and Pardon"
067 | "The God Who Can Bring the Banished Home"
068 | "David Goes the Way of All the Earth"
069 | "Who Was David Talking About"
070 | "God's Blessing to the Nations"
071 | "The Place God Chose to Dwell"
072 | "The Dedication of God's House"
073 | "A Failure to Finish the Race"
The Fall of the Kingdom
074 | "The Kingdom Divided"
075 | "Jeroboam's Worship"
076 | "A Lion, A Donkey, and a Man of God"
077 | "North and South, How to Read Kings"
078 | "The Kingship Is Falling"
079 | "The Prophets Are Rising"
080 | "Elijah, A Man Like Us"
081 | "God's Grace to the Worst of Sinners"
082 | "Passing the Torch"
083 | "Naaman the Leper"
084 | "Do You Believe the Word of the Lord"
The End of the Road
085 | "Jehu's Slaughterhouse"
086 | "Wicked Grandma and the Hope of the World"
087 | "Israel in Exile, Judah on the Way"
088 | "One Last Glimmer of Hope"
089 | "The [Apparent] Undoing of All God's Done"
The Role of the Other Books
090 | "How the Prophets Fit In"
091 | "What the Prophets Preached"
092 | "Jeremiah as a Case Study"
093 | "How the Wisdom Books Fit In"
094 | "How the Psalms Fit In"
095 | "Recapping The Story"
096 | "Let Isaiah Tell You What's Coming"
If you’ve been encouraged or helped by this video series, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected], and tell us what you’ve learned or how you are using this study.