a study designed to help you trace the unifying, overarching story of the Bible and to help you find your own place in God’s unfolding story

The New Testament

Podcast & Videos

New Testament content begins with episode 97.

The Beginnings of the Gospels
097 | The End of the Old Testament
098 | The End of the Hebrew Bible
099 | The End of our English Old Testament
100 | How Luke Begins
101 | How the Other Gospels Begin
Who Is Jesus
102 | God in Flesh
103 | The Authoritative Preacher
104 | The Miracle Worker
105 | The Savior of the World
106 | A Man after God's Own Heart
107 | The Bread of Life and Light of the World
108 | The Good Shepherd
The Road to Jerusalem
109 | Life and Death
110 | The Worst News Ever
111 | He Set His Face Toward Jerusalem
112 | The Stories Jesus Told
113 | To Seek and to Save the Lost
Death and Resurrection
114 | The Plot of the Serpent
115 | I Have Labored in Vain
116 | How Do We Know
117 | He is Risen Indeed
Gospel Proclamation
118 | The Unfinished Story
119 | The Work Has Begun
120 | The Calling of Saul
121 | The Heart of the Gospel
This Part of the Story
122 | What Jesus Is Doing Now
123 | Turning Points
124 | A New Community
125 | A New Flock
126 | The Church
How Christians Live
127 | Life in God's Unfolding Story
128 | James's Picture
129 | Paul's Picture in Galatians
130 | Paul's Picture in Romans
131 | Peter's Picture
132 | John's Picture
The Mission of God’s People
133 | God's Greatest Passion
134 | Worship
135 | Evangelism
The End of the Story
136 | Resolved or Unresolved
137 | Our Future Hope
138 | What Jesus Looks Like Now
139 | The Scroll
140 | The Anti-Climactic Battle
141 | Jesus Wins
142 | A Final Thank You
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